Devlog #6 – NPCs and story

The brand new devlog #06 video is here ! On the previous Devlog we talked to you about specializations in the game, this time we tell and show you our plans and progress about NPCs and a little bit about the story! We’d like to remind you that we’re still in the middle of developing the game …

State Of The Studio #2 is available!

Our special video returns: State of the studio !We hope you’re well, and today we’re happy to share with you more information on the progress of Ascent Quest and our young studio. The subject? The objectives we had set for the year This time it’s divided into 3 parts :  As usual, don’t forget to like, share and comment …

Designing the drakens

Today we want to talk about a race of creatures that is central in Ascent Quest. The drakens! We have already hinted some information about them, without really presenting them. However, they are of capital importance both in the story and the gameplay. They therefore deserved a more detailed presentation, let’s get started! Who and …

Devlog #5 is out !

Hi dear members of the community! It’s finally here, the new Devlog! Following the previous one talking about the character progression itself with “talents”, in this one, we present the “specializations”; our way to integrate classes in the game. As usual, everything shown is still in development and may change a lot, or at least, …

We did it ! It’s the end of this successful Kickstarter campaign ! What’s next ?

Thanks to the help of 317 contributors, we gathered 36.682€ in 45 days. We would like to thank you for the trust you place in us. The ball is now in our court to deliver the best possible game to you! When will you get your rewards? We will send end-of-campaign survey to all contributors …

New video! – Frequently asked questions and some new footage

It is time for a new video to celebrate reaching the 100% funded Kickstarter milestone! We take the time to answer some frequently asked questions, but also show concepts and early content to illustrate our talks. If you’re not yet used to watching videos where we talk, you’ll quickly notice our French accent (especially Laurent!). …

Our Kickstarter reached its goal with 12 days left !

🎉We’ve made it, the Ascent Quest Kickstarter meet its 30.000€ goal, with 12 days left!🎉 📈 Our community is growing fast and we are receiving lots of positive feedback. Thank you everyone for your support but also for sharing this campaign with all your friends and networks! This is a very important step in creating …

Specializations, our original “class” system – feature presentation

Hello everyone! After the presentation of the talent system, it was obvious to continue with specializations! For that part there is much more to say and it has a more direct impact on your gameplay. In case you forgot (really?), our Kickstarter campaign is still running! Ok, let’s start ! What are those “Specializations” ? …

Talents tree – feature presentation

Hello everyone, Today we want to explain more in depth how the talent system works. We’ve made a DevLog covering most parts of this topic (see it at the end of this article), this clearer written presentation will give you more details!Also, remember that the Kickstarter campaign is running right now ! What is the …